About Me

Hello, I’m a student. Although music is not my major, it is something that I have held extremely close to myself because it distinguishes who I am. It is something I have always wanted to learn how to play. A lot of the music I listen to comes from a lot of my interests and hobbies so they all intertwine together  (anime, video games, rock, pop, classical songs, studying various cultures, movies, and a bunch of other things!).

I started piano lessons at the age of seven; however, I disliked playing it due to how dull the learning process was and how terrible I was at it. After quitting piano lessons, I had a break from playing musical instruments. However, the music intertwined with my other hobbies influenced me to pick up musical instruments again. It was not until I started to play the guitar through private lessons where I truly I gained insight in learning music. Soon after, I decided that I would try and approach the piano once again. To this day I still play guitar but have been on a search on my own to try and proceed with piano.

Through my journey in music I have also been fortunate enough to make friends with amazing people who also play music for piano, guitar, & other instruments. They have helped me in so many ways by sharing their knowledge. To this day I still consider myself an amateur at playing the piano and guitar; there is still so much for me to learn. In this blog I hope to reach out to others with experiences in order to share our ideas, influences, rants, and tools about everything!


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