Saying “Bye” to Spring and “Hello” to Summer Stuff/Goals


So… Fall 2016 Semester is over for me. It’s been a crazy semester full of stress and studying. But since I’m a “crazy” student, my school program goes through the entire summer and doesn’t stop until winter 2016… Basically, I have no summer break. Kinda. I had like 1 week of break to see my family and friends back home… but a week for me passes by really fast… Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever had a “normal” summer ever for the longest time due to school things… WUT AM I FIGHTING FORRRR

Anyways… I thought that I would blog and ramble about recent things.

School is crazy. Yes. School is crazy… I feel like I live in two worlds and I’m being torn between the two of them. One world is all about school and my future as a professional… and the other wants to play guitar/piano, study Japanese/Languages, travel, play games, and just do really cool stuff argggggh. But, the reality is that school takes up so much of my energy that it’s really hard to both… Also, for some reason when the weather is extremely hot (like summer lol) it makes it hard for me to concentrate? I dunno if that’s just me though hah. On days when I come back from the hospital I especially feel tired. The hardest part about wanting to do both is that, BOTH of these things require very intensive mental strength and energy. After pharmacology or a 5 hour pediatric lecture, I’m usually pretty tired… So I end up napping (which I don’t even know if it helps loool), then waking up and questioning if I should practice lol… And when I do practice my brain also has to focus a lot on the music that I want to play. On top of that I’ve started to try and review Kanji for Japanese studies and I’m realizing that I’ve forgotten so much since taking my JPN301 Kanji Extensive Class…

The professors/instructors for our program this summer say that the next 12 weeks will fly by really fast. Everything is spinning in my head and it’s been hard to organize everything regarding music things. BUT! I’ve recently made a mental list that I’ll probably commit to written form so that I can focus on the specifics. I’ve been lately listening to a lot of new artists and some vocaloid songs that I’ve never bumped into before that are extremely catchy to me so I want to do those for guitar in the near future. But, piano comes first since the next piece I’m focusing on is TAKING ME FOREVER GOD DAMMIT. I remember when I used to practice until my hands hurtttt but now, I guess things have changed… I guess life is like that once it starts up!

There are SO MANY songs that I want to play, but SO LITTLE TIME. GRRRRRRRFFFFA-. And I feel so bad that I haven’t been able to record or cover anything for the last like… I don’t even know lol, it’s been so long. I feel like a loser since I haven’t been able to put anything out… but I know I can; I just have to make time, build energy for practice, and commit to a schedule. Hopefully, it all works out. *cross fingers*


Kabaneri, Boku no Hero Academia, and Re:ZERO. THESE 3 ARE SOOOOO GOOOOD THIS SEASON. The OPs/EDs for them are excellent as well.

Anyways… that was a random blog for this month. I haven’t been blogging lately because of no time, so I apologize about that lol. My world is spinning woooooo…. But yeah, hopefully it all works out someway or another. Until next time, I guess…