2015 Update Piano/Anime/Japan Trip?! Blog Update And Life Stuff…


So 2015 is here and tons of things have been happening. It’s been ridiculously long since the last blog post… I haven’t been able to keep the blog updated due to being busy or feeling that I just can’t keep up. Anyways… I thought I’d just post for 2015. I’m in the middle of finishing up my last applications for professional health schools and all that (GUHHH). Dear world, please just know that I’m working hard and trying not to waste my days away! …….

So here’s my piano blog update. I’m currently signed up to enroll in piano supplemental lessons to compliment my playing and self-studying pretty soon. Woot woot…! I hope to really benefit from the lessons as I look forward to them!

There are so many piano/guitar pieces to try and accomplish for the next few months. I’m seeing myself split up pieces into long term and short term goals so that I can approach them easier. Example: [Oracion / No Game No Life / Ai Kayano] as a long term piece because it will take me a while; its like 5 pages and lots of measures…? The short term piece would be something simpler like Non Non Biyori’s ED or 5 CM Per Second Piano Eyecatch/Ending. Something that is not over 3 pages/40 measures/varied song length and is easier to approach. Guitar wise is the same except for a few things maybe.


Recording wise I think I’ve figured things out with my interface and all that. I’ll probably do a post much later on how to hook things up and work the connections out if anyone even cares (lol). Somebody out there probably has this covered anyyyways.

Next! On to anime stuff I guess? Well, this year has been kinda strange, for the winter 2015 animes, there have been a lot of great/good/decent ones and the rest I didn’t even think about watching lol…

As for some of the favorites for the past seasons of winter/fall? Uhhh… definitely Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso and Shirobako? (still trying to finish T__T;) are a standouts but had some drawbacks. The rest like Saenai Heroine, KnB 3, KanColle, Log Horizon S2, were good I guess but had their problems definitely… but I enjoyed watching them either way… kinda? KanColle’s OP though OMG… ridiculously good. Akino from Bless4’s Miiro 海色 was so good; please take a listen if you haven’t already. kantai-collection-episode-1-18

Uhhh let’s see… other animes that I’ve taken a real like to are just ones from previous years that I’ve been trying to catch up on. This season though for Spring looks like its going to be sooooo crazy. There are tons of shows to look into watching… Oregairu S2 is immediately one to note along w/ Fate/Stay UBW S2 I guess? Hmm.. There are so many I swear… but sidenote: definitely those two have such great OPs; they sound SO GOOD (or at least I think so lol.) Oh Nisekoi S2, Shougeki no Souma, and Hibike! will be something to look at too.

Mmm I think that’s all I’ll say for that anime portion. I feel like I’ve been writing for so long. If I forget anything I’ll mention it in another post.

Lastly….. Things have been settled out lately and I’ll be going to Japan! It’s hard to find words to describe how excited I am, but either way I’m hoping for the best as the trip date gets closer and closer. I’ve been trying to study and review so much of my Japanese lately too in order to get around a little easier with people and all that. It’ll be an experience that I’ll never forget and I really look forward to it! I’ll probably post about the experience there if I can!


So yeah, I guess that about sums everything up. This post has been kinda everywhere but I hope it keeps this blog somewhat lively and not so lonely… If anything I might fiddle out other blog platforms to see how things work. I’ll see what I can discuss in the next post! Oh yeah, and always keep working hard! Best wishes for 2015.

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