Winter Season, Monthly Piano Progression, Goals, and Sound

Winter is now? Time passes by quick…Sheesh… It is November and the weather has been getting somewhat cold lately as well.


This post is somewhat short as I plan the next post to be a little bigger… I hope. So far, I’ve been getting really far into my new music sheets for some of the songs I am learning and polishing up small things like these triplets.



I’ve also been doing lots of finger exercises to keep up my strength like Staccato in E for both hands. However, I’m finding myself running into walls when it comes to handling things with all of my other stuff that I have due. My goal is to have everything done by these next two weeks! Gotta practice, practice, practice! I have also been experimenting with recording more and more but don’t know where I stand in terms of the sound quality. I feel like my piano emits a natural dark sounding tone that might be good/bad in it’s own way. I’ll make sure to update on that as well. See you in the next post! By the way, wear a jacket it’s cold.