The Year and All That… Life Keeps Moving

It has been so long since the last post… So many things have been going on for the past months and I have not had any time to really think about the blog! In regards to school work, I’ve been stuck with getting tons of prerequisite work done for schools as well as tons and tons of PAPERS for future purposes in applying to more schools! zzz… Some weeks I feel like I have no room to breathe… it can get boring quick. please let me go “oh my mighty professional school kamisama…” I’d talk more about all that jazz but it would bore everyone to sleep.



Anyways… many crazy events have been going on in the past months like summer school out of state (groan*…..), new paths to take, new people I bumped into, EVO2014 and Anime Expo 2014, in which I didn’t get to go to…. I was so bummed out by that; however, over this period of time I’ve been doing my share of games, studying, and anime craziness! In the midst of all of the “busy life” I’ve been practicing certain music arrangements in both piano/guitar from various animes that I’ve been running a spree in terms of watching. If it’s anything that has been a constant throughout this summer it has been: MUSIC PRACTICE (as long as I’m not sleepy…) I know the blog hasn’t been active and all but I’m trying to pick up speed here and there. Again, there have been so many things going on… it’s hard to elate on everything. But, I will continue to work hard… In some good news I’ve finalized my setup for piano to PC audio interface with some new things that I’ve learned. I am currently enjoying just direct USB/headphone connection to Ableton Live. I’ll update through more posts a little later and such with more details. I hope everyone’s summer has gone well for them.