April Notes: A Change of Tempo, Stepping Into More Practice, and Handling Other Things


Happy Late April! I think? Lately, the season has been so busy with midterms, papers (research papers are such a hassle…), and projects that it’s been hard for me to consistently blog and what not this month. However, I’ve still found time to practice and practice which is the most important thing to me. Also! I’ve been tinkering around with connecting my digital piano to my laptop through all the input and output mess of wires. Anyways, in regards to music study and things… in the past week or so I’ve been constantly trying to clean up areas of songs that I’m needing work on as well as studying new songs for both piano and guitar at the same time. Some songs have been giving me some difficulty due to the sporadic change of tempo and hand positioning among constant octave jumps, but its coming along easier with practice. That’s the key word for me…. -__-…. So it’s really busy and hectic for me! But it keeps me going and thinking which is good. I hope to post a little more often and cover more progress however the past month has just been extremely stressful… Also, the anime seasons have been progressing and changing which means new OPs and music/artists to listen and look out for (ex: ClariS! =]) I’ll leave off with one of my favorite songs in existence by FLOW. It has continued to be stuck inside my head and forever will be. It’s simply motivational to me! That about wraps this short blog post up. JIBUN WOOO!