A Step Into the Future from Now – Random Things


It’s been a while since my last post; in my decision to keep this blog, I’m realizing that it’s going to be difficult to keep it going because of all the clash between school and what not. I apologize. I’d also like to wish everybody a happy new year for 2014. Lately I’ve been finding myself practicing my pieces I’m aiming to complete but it’s hard to move on to the next in the absence of motivation or that emotional drive. I guess it’s because school has been somewhat complicated. Anyhow, currently I’m going through a lot of Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy music, Anime related songs/openings/endings for their respective seasons, other game music, as well as some pop songs give or take. It’s been really fun so far! But… juggling my studies with piano and guitar has been kinda rough, I find myself getting lost sometimes in practice with one instrument so I go to the other (kinda crazy…). I tend to think about a lot of things I guess =p. I’m sticking through it strong, I just gotta keep on practicing!